4月9日 北京曲多周赛公告

枕妞臂 2017-4-6 2262

本帖最后由 枕妞臂 于 2017-4-6 00:31 编辑

时间:4月9日(周日) 下午14:00 (April 9th, SUN. 14:00 pm)
地点:北京曲多卡牌 (QuDuo Magic Card Store)

如果参赛人数小于等于10人,采取简易赛制:(If the players are equal to or less than 10, take a brief format)
4轮瑞士轮,直接排名 (Standing after 4-round Swiss)
报名费:40元 (Entrance fee: 40 RMB)
奖品:每赢一轮获得奖金20元,每平一轮10元,输一轮不得奖金。 (Prize: in each match, 20 for a win, 10 for a draw, 0 for a loss)

如果参赛人数大于等于11人,采取正常赛制: (If the players are more than 10, take a normal format)
4轮或5轮瑞士轮(视人数而定),前八有奖,前四淘汰赛 (Standing after 4 or 5-round Swiss depending on number of players, top-4 playoffs, top-8 win prize)
报名费:50元 (Entrance fee: 50 RMB)
冠军:报名费总额的30% Prize: (1st place: 30% of total entrance fee)
亚军:报名费总额的20% (2nd place: 20% of total entrance fee)
第三-第四名:报名费总额的15% / 每人 (3rd & 4th: 15% of total entrance fee per serson)
第五-第八名:报名费总额的5% / 每人 (5th - 8th: 5% of total entrance fee per serson)


最新回复 (1)
  • 燃冰 2017-4-6
    0 2
    双语好评 你们这周先试试吧 估计总有人会忘了拿钱 233
    • 万智烽火-万智牌薪传
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